ACM is excited to announce cyber research firm GRIMM will be co-locating at ACM to support automotive cybersecurity projects. This is GRIMM’s second location in Michigan enabling the expansion of GRIMM’s team into the heart of advanced transportation mobility testing and research. GRIMM moves in on July 17, 2020 with plans to have their Car-Hacking Workbench periodically on display, offering integrated cyber-services to ACM customers. ACM President & CEO, Reuben Sarkar says, “The presence of GRIMM onsite at ACM builds the diversity of mobility services already available at our Smart Mobility Test Center. I’m confident this will prove to be an important and beneficial connection for GRIMM, users of ACM and the mobility industry.” To learn more about GRIMM and cyber services available at ACM, please contact Jennifer Tisdale at [email protected] or visit the GRIMM website: